Returning to Programming

What it feels like | Written on 1/29/2023

Frontend Development
A picture of HTML.


After forgetting that programming existed in 2022, coming back to programming is a very hard feat. When I started to get back into it, I tried doing Python. I was struggling to even make a program to say "Hi insert name, you are insert age years old!" It was miserable. If you are wondering what the source code looks like, here you go:
name=input("What's your name? ")
age=input("How old are you? ")
print("Hi", name, "you are", age, "years old!")


I also briefly tried learning Blender with Blender Guru's tutorial until everything started to break. My friend has showed me another tutorial I could watch, but I cannot show you since I do not know who made it.


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And as always, have a great day!